Sunday, November 05, 2006
Tamagotchi Kakeibo, Chou yarikuri Enjoy
Tamagotchi Kakeibo, Chou yarikuri Enjoy :
"Tamagotchi Account book" :
Enjoy getting by with what little money
you have"
Kakeibo is not really a Tamagotchi, you don't care for any gotchis.
What it is, is a tool for managing and economizing for your ENTAMA.
Kakeibo means [money book]
While It might be possible for other infrared tams to connect, the
website says in bold letters "For Use with Entama".
The Kakeibo comes with an account book as well that you use to hold
your Kakeibo.
Basically, the kakeibo is more in-depth Deka with some tamatown
thrown in,
Think of it as a place in TamaTown that you can own and go to anytime
you want.
The places that are on Ginza street are:
Drug Store
Convenience Store
Flower Shop
Cake Shop
Ginza Supermarket
discount Store
There is also a Gotchi Bank for you to deposit money for later use.
You can also invest your money into Gotchi stock and watch your
invest grow. Or drop.
CHARACTER: Dango Obatchi-san
Why get one? You can only have 9999G on your Entama. This thing is like a bank to keep your Gotchi points in so you can buy those expensive Entama items!
There is the Gotchi Library
Here you can make a dictionary. If you help in the library you can
recieve free service.
[Thats my direct translation from the website - what it means to make
a dictionary, I have no idea.]
CHARACTER: Waka Okutchi San
Next there is the YariKuri Center
[Yarikuri means "to manage, or get by, the best you can with what you
Here you can auction off, or sell your gotchi points, or items and so
on in a flea
Osewatchi's house.
Osewatchi is the main character on the Kakeibo and she'S Ginza's most
famous resident. She'll
help you out around Ginza Street.
Finally there is the Ginza Street Arcade.
Here you can play games and win money and items [I think] But the
website only says that you have
to keep the ball from hitting Osewatchi. So it seems there is only
one game in the Arcade.